The Terrell family has been in the farming business as long as anyone can remember. William Louis Terrell I bought the Summer Brook Plantation property about 1950. His grandson, Louis, fell in love with the beautiful, peaceful farm surroundings and decided it would be a wonderful place to raise a family. He decided to build a home for the woman that he adored, Carole. With the help of his brothers he built the their farm home in 1975. They have enjoyed raising their two daughters on the farm. They are a true farming family. Through the years they have raised cows, chickens, horses, cats, and dogs on the farm. They love living on the farm because it is so picturesque. They would love the opportunity to share a piece of their home with you. Give them the opportunity to help make your beautiful day one to remember.
As Carole Terrell read bedtime stories to her girls she discovered the name Summer Brook. It reminded her of the beautiful water than runs through the farm. She decided it would be a good name for the beautiful farm she lived on.
Louis’ cousin Donnie Terrell, his grandson Brandon terrell and his crew still farms the property. They plant corn, rye, barley, and soybeans. The fields of Summer Brook Plantation have a wonderful variety of colors depending on the time of year. The beautiful fields surrounding the Barn and Gazebo wedding venue will provide a beautiful backdrop for your rustic farm wedding.
Donnie's father, Miles Terrell, was born in 1927 during the Great Depression. His family was able to survive this time by continueing to work their farm and live off the farm. Miles began working on the farm when he was about 7 years old. He started out watering the chickens on his family farm. Farming is the only thing he ever knew and he loved it. His favorite part is running the big equipment. It is very different from the Fordson tractor he started out with. He was so excited when they purchased a Ford Ferguson that could pull two plows. They thought they were really doing something. In the 1940s while the world was at war the Terrell family continued farming. Miles Terrell's son Donnie and his family still farm about 4,000 acres in Virginia.
Louis and Carole Terrell, the wedding venue owners, enjoying their daughter's wedding.