The Barn wedding venue grounds can hold 280 people. Parking is in the field above the Barn.
Usage of the Barn and grounds from 9:0 AM on Friday to 11:00 PM Friday night the evening of the event date, including cleanup. Rehearsal time is Thursday by appointment only.
Usage of the Barn and grounds from 9:00 AM on Saturday until 11:00 PM Saturday the evening of the event date, including cleanup. Rehearsal time is Thursday by appointment only.
Usage of the Barn and grounds from 9:30 AM on Sunday to 10:30 PM Sunday night the evening of the event date, including cleanup. Rehearsal time is Thursday by appointment only.
Rates include use of a dressing room at the barn. The bride is allowed use of bathroom in dressing room throughout wedding/reception. All others must use restrooms in the back of the barn.
Engagement photo session by appointment only
Beautiful Indoor Luminaries (string lights)
4 – Chandeliers
3 – Horse saddles
3 – Fire pits
1 Set- of large country curtains (additional charge)
110 – Metal folding chairs
122 - White metal chairs with arms
4 – Plastic chairs with arms
1 – White rocking chair
1 – 4’ Swing
3 – Yard benches 4’
10 -– 36” “ Round metal tables
1 – Round white glass top table 36 inches
21 – Rectangle 2’ x 4’ tables
4 - Large white picnic tables 8’
1- Large white picnic table 6’
2 – Rectangle tables for food 2’x8’ and 30”x6’
1 – Real large table for food and supplies in food area 4’x8’
2 – Antique children’s school desks
1 – Antique oak wash stand
2 - Antique sewing machines
1 – Adjustable podium
1 – Refrigerator
1 - Freezer
1 – Antique black milk can
1 – Antique red milk can
2 – Large white columns 8’ tall
Several various size columns (good to put plants etc on)
2 - Lattice panels 1’ x 7’
2 – Lattice panels 27” x 8’
5 – Antique windows
1 – Antique cash register
1 – Set of small antique items
1 – Large round country clock
3 - Standing propane heaters 7’ (additional charge)
1 - Stand alone propane heater. 30,000 btu lp (additional charge)
3 - Pedestal fans 30”
1 – Tractor for pictures
2 - Gazebos on the water with piers (the largest known privately owned pier on the east coast)
1 - 2 Story barn that can accommodate 120 people with tables and chairs (inside)
2 Covered patios on the barn
1 Uncovered patio on the barn
2 Modern Restrooms (1-handicap accessible)
1 Dressing Room w/bathroom for bride
We have a red carpet runner 6’ x 50+’ There is an aditional charge if you choose to use it.
Hay Bales are available to rent for $7.00 a bale
Inventory is subject to change without notice.